Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Updates on our trip to Honduras

OK, I know I promised to post new blogs on my trip this week. However, I have so much work to catch up on, I've had to put it on the back burner while I fulfill customer orders and catch up on my editing, as well as complete a maternity and engagement shoot this week.

The good news is, our fearless group leader and travel companion, Russ Reyes, is a writer and has posted all the updates to his blog. Please make sure to visit this link to get the scoop on our mission, view a few pictures and get a feel for what Honduras is like.

I will be working on pictures next week while in Michigan and hope to have everything posted in 2 weeks!

Thanks everyone for your continued support!


Saturday, June 21, 2008

Back in the states!

Well, I made it home safe and sound, just 10 hours late! Our trip home was interesting, and I will cover that in another blog. For now, I just wanted to let everyone know that I am home, and will be updating the blog day by day. Unfortunately we did not have a lot of time to access the internet, and I was unable to update the blog daily.

Please check back for daily updates on our trip, as I will have some very interesting stories to share! Also, I took about 1200 pictures and will try to get many of them posted soon. You can pre-register for the gallery at


Monday, June 9, 2008

Departing Today!

I depart for Honduras this evening out of San Francisco. I am very excited although I haven't even packed my bag yet!

This may be my last blog until I get back because I am not sure of the internet access in the town we are staying. So I wanted to send out another thank you to everyone for all of your support. Extra thanks go out to recent donations from Bill and Pam, Tom and Joan , Roy and Machelle, and Amber and Jimmy. You guys are awesome!

There is still time to send in donations. Donations will be accepted through the duration of the trip. I will also post some information about a post trip fundraiser/auction for those of you interested in getting some art work.

Thanks again and I hope to see you all soon!
